Zen Karate Do Club Crowned 2023 Karate GMT Champions


The Rubavu District based team, Zen Karate Do crowned champions of the Karate Genocide Memorial Tournament after outshining rival teams in various categories.

On the final game, they defeated the University of Rwanda, Huye Campus.

Held at Saint Andre, Nyamirambo in the Nyarugenge district on May 28, 2023, the tournament was organized by Rwanda Karate Federation in an occasion to honor athletes killed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, especial the Karate players.

Before the competition started, the athletes and other participants were briefed on the History of Rwanda, especially on the Genocide against the Tutsis in 1994 that cost the lives of over a million of victims including athletes and also they taken one minute of silence to payed tribute to the victims.

Sinzi Tharcisse, who saved the Tutsis from the Genocide with the help of Karate game, asked the youth to be characterized by love and avoid divisions.

“We played a Karate game, there was a form we had to fill out, if you were a Tutsi or a Hutu. All of that had consequences as you all saw from the Genocide against the Tutsis. Now we have a country, we have a good army, we have a good Police force. You should be polite for there is no adulterous person who is marked by bad habits.” He added

His remarks on this tournament, the president of the Karate Federation in Rwanda, Niyongabo Damien said that there is a search for the names of the Genocide victims who played Karate, and they will join their families in the act of remembering them”.

“I am impressed with the performances showcased by the Karate Players from different categories and i urge the players to use sports to contribute to the country’s continued rebuilding process”.

“We have prepared this competition because it should be held in a way to remember those who lost their lives during the Genocide against the Tutsis. The athletes who are competing here are young children who should grow up knowing how they can contribute to the development of this country through sports,” he added.

By closing his remarks, he confirms that this game is at an interesting level among young peoples, and that they have a plan to improve the talent of those who will presents to the national team.

The guest of honor, Sharangabo Alexis, who is in charge of organizing the commemorative games, asked the youth to participate in fighting the cause of the Genocide.

Karate is one of the sport that will used to encourage the youth to fight against the Genocide ideology. he added

“Children should know what happened and what they should do to prevent it from happening again, besides sports, athletes have the responsibility to play their part to fight those who are trying to spread Genocide ideology among the new generation,”.

“The message to the Karate Family to day, is to play a part in preventing the ideology of Genocide and play a big part in fighting against anything that would make it happen again and against those who wish the bad of the country, with the help of social media.” he urges


Overall Table Standing

  • ZEN KARATE DO (3 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze)
  • Flying Eagles (1 Gold, 1 Silver)
  • APR Karate Do (1 Gold, 2 Bronze)
  • The Champion Karate Academy (2 Silver, 1 Bronze)
  • UR HUYE CAMPUS A (1 Silver, 2 Bronze)
  • SHITO RYU KARATE DO (1 Bronze)
  • POLICE KARATE CLUB ( 1 Bronze)


  1. UWASE LAZIA (Zen Karate D0 Rubavu)
  2. YEZAKUZWE LUCIE (Flying Eagles)
  3. ABAYISENGA Palemonique (The Champions Karate Academy) & UMULISA Yvette (SHITO RYU KARATE DO)


  1. MUNYABURANGA Jean Claude (Zen Karate Do Rubavu)
  2. NIYITANGA halifa (The Champions Karate Academy)
  3. USENGIMANA OMAR (APR Karate Do) & GUSENGA Yves Bertrand (Police Karate Club)


  1. YEZAKUZWE LUCIE (Flying Eagles)
  2. UWASE LAZIA (Zen Karate Do Rubavu)


  1. Zen Karate Do Rubavu
  2. The Champions Karate Academy
  3. UR Huye Campus A
  4. Flying Eagles


  1. APR Karate Do
  2. UR Huye Campus A
  3. Zen Karate Do Rubavu
  4. The Champions Karate Academy
Sensei Sinzi award the Female’s category


Mr. Sharangabo Alex, urges the players to use social media to fight against Genocide ideology


the president of the Karate Federation in Rwanda, Niyongabo Damien


Team APR Karate Do


Team Zen Karate Do Rubavu

Free Genocide Memorial tournament Stock Photo

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