Through ZACU TV, Canal+ brought exclusivity to aired Seburikoko’s series

After eight years airing on Rwanda Television (RTV), CANAL+Rwanda through Zacu Entertainment which owns ZACU TV, has bought the movie series ‘Seburikoko’ which is currently the only station that will be aired.

The news comes on Thursday, September 7, 2023 during the ceremony of showing new movies that will be aired on Zacu TV in the upcoming days.

This movie is one of the most popular in Rwanda, which is aired on National Television for eight years.

Seburikoko is a series of films contain a daily life of Rwandans values both in the city and in the rular areas.

In this event called “Back to School”, ZACU TV also announced other new films that are preparing to release such as Ishusho ya Papa, Shuwa Dilu, Kaliza wa Kalisa, Iris, The Incubation, Injustice, La Pecheuse de Lac Kivu and i Muhira of Tom Close.

In particular, Ishusho ya Papa will start airing on Zacu TV on September 12, 2023 at 19:00 from Monday to Friday.

This movie series is based on the story of a young man with a Belgian mother and a Rwandan father, where when he is 30 years old he goes to Rwanda to find his father to take him to Belgium in order to fulfill the promise he gave to his mother.

In general, most of these films were recored in aside of Kigali ‘Karongi and Rubavu’ Districts in order to show the best of Rwanda through the Visit Rwanda program as the Director of Zacu Entertainment, Misago Wilson emphasized.

Apart from announcing the new movies, the CEO of Canal+ Rwanda, Sophie Tchatchoua, said that Zacu TV is among the five most watched shows of the year.

In October, Zacu TV will be celebrate one year work anniversary, but by know it’s among the five most watched channels on Canal +. She added

In July 2022, Canal+ Group bought Zacu Entertainment, which already owns ZACU TV.

By know, ZACU TV produces and broadcasts Rwandan films both made by them and those bought from others.

Zacu TV, is placed on 38 on Canal+ Channels


Misago Wilson announced that they bought ‘Seburikoko’ series


This event was attended by many members of the Rwandan film actors


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