Kinshasa: The New Civil Society raises awareness on the importance of the Voter Card

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The New Congolese Civil Society organized “a Citizen and electoral morning” on Saturday, February 4 at the Bondeko Center in Kinshasa to make thousands of voters understand the importance of the voter card and the quality of future elected officials.

Jonas Tshombela, president of this structure, thinks it is time to amplify awareness:

“In this period of voter identification and registration, whoever has the information has the power. We thought about what the CENI did not raise enough awareness. As a citizen of the Republic, you can bring the little you know to increase awareness among the population to understand to what extent you can get your voter card and how important this voter card is when you have it and how you can exercise your power as a voter as soon as you have it.”

Jonas Tshombela hopes that in this year’s elections, on December 20, the country will have “good quality elected officials”. And to have quality elected officials, we need good quality voters.

Hence, according to him, “we must work on the electorate, give it good information and tell it when it must decide to make a leap that must go in the interest of the population”.

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