Uganda: After 11 days, President Museveni recovered from Covid-19

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In the latest update to the country about his covid-19 status, the President in a statement also thanked God for the progress.

“Today, the samples showed that I had turned negative vis a vis corona. Even the samples of last Wednesday had showed reduced presence of the virus parts,” President Yoweri Museveni has announced.

In the latest update to the country about his covid-19 status, the President in a statement also thanked God for the progress. 

He also hailed persons who wished me a quick recovery and those who prayed for him.

“The Glory goes to God. Let us follow His teachings with genuineness. “ he remarked.

Museveni’s statement issued Sunday evening reads:

Fellow Ugandans, especially the Bazukulu.

Sorry about losing our People such as Justice Arach (it is now really arach) Amoko, Jack Muchunguzi (one of the 27 with whom I attacked Kabaamba), Nuwe-agaba who was working in our CBRN Department of State House and others. Condolences to the families and the whole Country.

On the war with corona, it is now confirmed that I am a veteran graduate of the war with that enemy. It has been exactly 11 days since the battle started officially on the 7th of June, 2023, on the Day of the State of the Nation Address.

I had actually felt a mild pre-flu type of state on Tuesday, the day before. I had, however, ignored the symptoms until the following day when I had a slight running nose for a little while. That is when I called my doctors to take samples for checking. 

By 1100 hours, they came back to tell me that two of the samples were negative but one was positive. That is when I decided to travel to Kololo for the Address in separate cars with Maama. 

I also wanted to drive myself in one of the cars until the doctors reconfirmed to me that the driver’s – ADC’s compartments, air-conditioning wise, are totally separated from the rear compartment. Immediately, I shared with all of you the story when the 3rd sample was reconfirmed in a more accurate laboratory.

Right from the beginning, I told you and my doctor, Diana Atwiine, told me that attack was mild but I had to isolate myself to defeat the enemy and also not to spread the enemy. 

This now leads me to my strategy on health which is an instrument of the African struggle among many missions. I, again, strongly recommend to the NRM Cadres and militants and all Ugandans to avoid all the risk factors to health: alcohol, promiscuity, careless driving, avoiding malaria, smoking, exercising for fitness, eating healthy African food (maize, cassava, millet, bananas, fruits, milk, beef, chicken, fish, etc.) and ensuring that you get vaccinated against all the vaccinatable diseases and you have all the vitamins. 

Check regularly. There seems to be a problem with our medical orientation. Many of our doctors are not health officers but rather disease officers, spending more time treating sicknesses that are completely avoidable.

Could my health consciousness have helped me in this battle with Corona? Maybe. When corona started, many of our black People in the USA and Europe were dying, it was claimed, a bit more than the other ethnic groups.

I was watching one of the programmes, where some expert pointed out that it was partly due to the lack of Vitamin-D. Vitamin-D-anti-rachitic.

This is one of the vitamins we studied 60 years ago at Ntare in our biology and health science subjects. Which genius removed Health Science from the O-Level syllabus? 

At that time, it was one of the examinable subjects for the Cambridge School Certificate. It was partly manufactured by exposure to the sun, and it was anti-rickets (emitego- rachitic).

Apparently, our black People in the Cold Countries have a triple problem with getting Vitamin-D. First, the sun is not enough in those areas.

Secondly, the melanin in their skin (the substance that gives us our black colour) filters out the little sun that is available because it is designed to do that in the Tropics to protect us from the harmful sun-rays.

Thirdly, People are always indoors or in cars, away from the sun. Apparently, Vitamin-D is not only anti-rickets (bandy legs- emitego); it is also crucial for the immune system.

With that information from the TV, I, immediately, called Atwiine. Check my vitamin levels. Unbelievable!! My Vitamin D levels were very low, my vitamin B 12 levels, were very low etc.

Imagine, the President of Uganda, is malnourished to the detriment of his life. I immediately started taking the vitamins and soon that front was robust. Then, we had the immunization and boosters.

What would have happened if this corona had attacked me before the immunization and the boosting and when my Vitamin – levels were so low? Why did I have a deficiency of vitamins? Is it because I lacked the money to buy the proper food?

No. It was living undone what we ought to have done and doing what we ought not to do. Health Managers, let us spend more time promoting disease prevention than spending most of the time waiting for People to be sick in order to qualify for curative management.

Today, the samples showed that I had turned negative vis a vis corona.

Even the samples of Wednesday last, had showed reduced presence of the virus parts.

The Glory goes to God. Let us follow His teachings with genuineness. 

In Kyankwanzi, I stopped using the mask because it was giving me allergy of the throat and eyes. Thereby, I shifted from the first line of Defence (masks, social-distancing, etc.) to the second line of defence (immunization, nutrition and therapeutics where necessary).

Why hasn’t covidex been regularized? I need a quick answer from Dr. Musenero and from the Health Ministry.

How can somebody claim that he can cure corona which has killed so many of our People and it is now three years and you have not confirmed his claim or proved it to be a lie? More seriousness is required here.

I want to thank all those who wished me a quick recovery and all those who prayed for me. May the Lord God bless you.

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