The Rwanda Rugby Federation to elect the new committee

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On this Sunday, July 30th, 2023, an extraordinary general assembly of the Rwanda Rugby Federation was held in Kigali View Hotel, with aim of discussed to the members who do not comply the resolutions of the general assembly, replacing the treasurer and welcoming a new member.

Members who do not comply with the resolutions of the general assembly are advised and informed that those who do not comply with those resolutions should be removed from the membership of the Rwanda Rugby Federation, but they also agree that they will comply with it in at least three months.

One of the teams that did not qualify for the General Assembly meeting, Thousand Hills, is one of the teams that have been in the Championship for a long time.

Thousand Hills president, Mr. Serge Shema, after being told that there are many legal gaps in his team, accepted it and his ready to accomplish within 30 days.

Rwanda Rugby Federation President, Mr. Kamanda Tharcisse, said that the decisions are taken by the general assembly as the main governing body of this game, there is nothing more than to comply with it.

One of the other things that was discussed in this general assembly, is about preparing the elections of the executive committee, because the Mandate ended in October of last year.

Speaking on this, Mr. Kamanda said that:”There are reasons why we are not holding the elections, including the non-compliance with the resolutions of the general assembly, as well as the replacement of the outgoing treasurer Ihirwe Delphine”.

“But after this general assembly, the elections were set for the month of November, 11th 2023″. He added

In this general assembly, Muhire John Livingstone who is based in the Muhanga Thunders team elected as a replacement for Ihirwe Delphine.

The members welcomed a new member of TSS Gitisi team, who immediately applied to play in the second division which was represented by their vice president Nshimiyimana Enock.

He says:”Now we have boys and girls teams and they will ready to play in the league”.

He assured the members that they will not regret hosting him because the goal is to promote the game of Rugby among young children, and they meet the requirements.


Rwanda Rugby Federation president, Mr. Kamanda Tharcisse


Rwanda Rugby Federation secretary general, Uwitonze Felix


Thousand Hills president, Mr. Serge Shema


Gitisi TSS team vice president, Nshimiyimana Enock


Muhire John Livingstone


Ihirwe Delphine.

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