Nyanza Olympafrica attends GOA Festival International Youth Day Forum

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Nyanza Olympafrica Youth Center with many appreciations and thanks to International Olympafrica Foundation and Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee for giving opportunity to youth of Nyanza Olympafrica Youth Center to attend a great and big event for Africans’ youth, Giants of Africa Festival International Youth Day Forum.

50 Youth from Olympafrica was very happy to attend this event that took place at BK ARENA on 12th August 2023 whereby youth from 16 countries across continent were gathered in cultural exchange festival.

They were with 3 chaperones in trip, including MANA Jean Paul Director of Nyanza Olympafrica youth Center.

When children was selected it was a great pleasure, and once they travelled from Nyanza they couldn’t believe it as many of them it was the first time to go to Kigali and for all of them it was the first time to go in BK ARENA.

“To arrive there it was a dream come true and they will tell others how it is a very good place”,  said Pascaline Uyisenga.

What they learnt from Youth Day Forum?

“I learnt from this gathering to love others without considering country of origin”; said Sabrine Mukantwari
“I recognize that in life you shouldn’t think it is impossible to get what you dreamed about. I wasn’t expect one day to be in KB Arena and Olympafrica give me that unexpected opportunity, I got to know that life getting hopeless is very bad”, said Olivier Niyonsaba
”I didn’t expect to see great leaders face to face including First Lady, I get to know that maybe one day I can also meet H.E President Kagame”, said Kelly Ncuti.
Through speeches, the main word I retained is working hard so I we may reach our full potential”,  said Sabine Uwase.
“I was very inspired by seeing how Kigali is good, and I will work hard in life so one day I may also have a business and a house in that city even if I’m from village”, Said Yasir Munezero.
I got to know that it is a privilege to meet other youth from other country even if I didn’t get opportunity to talk to them because we don’t speak same language”, Said FistonNkurikiyeyezu.
I learnt that it is good to respect others even foreigners and respect they cultures as well as respect others is important in life”, said Eddy Igiraneza Mucyo.

Many young people from Nyanza Olympafrica was very inspired by this youth festival in a way they realized that by working hard they can have a bright future and have good life, help their family and contribute to build Rwanda.

The journey was good as they travelled in a very good and confortable Volcano bus, they liked how they were received in Five to Five hotel and shared lunch.

They also enjoyed Youth Festival and love organization and venue of festival.

At the end, they thank Olympafrica Foundation and RNOSC for giving them such great opportunity and Giant of Africa to organize Youth Festival.


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