Karate – Rwanda: The players have shown outstanding level in the first Editon of the Liberation Cup Tournament

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The Rwanda Karate Federation (Ferwaka) has organized the first edition of Liberation Cup, which was held in Rubavu District from 5th to 6th August 2023.

The competition was attended by 48 Karateka including 23 womens and 25 mens.

The major teams including; APR, Dragon Rubavu Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle, Zen Karate Do Rubavu, The Champion Sports Academy, Hero Karate Do Club Rafiki, Karongi Karate Do and University of Rwanda Huye Campus Team A and B have shown their level.

From this, the administration of Rubavu District determined that they are going to help Karate teams based in this District and develop those who have the talent as they do to the other sports including football.

Mr. Damien Niyongabo, the President of FERWAKA, said that they decided to organize the Liberation Cup to appreciate the good things the country has achieved in the development especially in Karate.

“We organized this tournament to show our pride in the good governance we have achieved in the 29 years since the Genocide against the Tutsis was stopped by the former RPA forces. We are grateful to President Paul Kagame who led Rwanda and was able to rebuild itself and the game of Karate has progressed.” He added

President Niyomugabo continue by said that, the game of Karate has been valued and continues to develop and they want to continue organizing more competitions to help young Karateka improve their talent in Karate.

“We came to Rubavu District because the local teams have performed well in the past competitions. We wanted to show the Rubavu citizens the good things they have and we found that there are many advantages to learn from it. We want also to continue to develop the talent in this District, especially from the youth.”

“We’re happy that FERWAKA has brought this competition in Rubavu District because it is going to help those who have the talent of Karate to increase”. Said the acting Mayor of Rubavu District, Mr. NZABONIMPA Deogratias

“Hosting these games is important for our District and for Karate players from this region in particular. It is going to increase those who have talent in Karate. We also have the task of developing the talent of Karate as we help other talents, we appreciated how young children participate in this game. We hope that the number of players will increase in the coming years.” He added

The FERWAKA has organized this competition in Rubavu District with the aim of appreciate Rubavu citizens who show exceptional skill in playing Karate, where Zen Karate do Rubavu team showed sensational skill.

In the women’s, Uwase Razia from the APR team, Abayisenya Palemonique of the Champions Sports Academy, Yezakuzwe Lucie and Umulisa Yvette won this competition in Kata while Uwase Razia, Umulisa Yvette, Yezakuzwe Lucie and Abayisenga Palemonique did the same in Kumite.

In the Men’s under 67 kg who play Kumite, Ntwali Fiston who plays for APR, Munyaneza Flavier who plays for Zen Karate do Rubavu, Safari Jean Pierre who plays for the Champions Sports Academy and Rutikanga Mupenzi who plays for the UR-Huye A team performed better than others.

Also in the men’s under 75 kg who play Kumite, Niyitanga Halifa and Udahemuka Bertin who plays for the Champions Sports Academy, Nshuti Elie plays for Zen Karate do Rubavu and Kashabuka Ferdinand plays for UR-Huye A did the same.

In the men’s over 75 kg Kumite, Twizere Theophile who played for UR-Huye A, Nambajimana Ange who played for APR, Ntungane Emery who played for APR and Birori Pacific who played for The Champion Academy backed home as the Champions.

In the men’s team playing KATA, Zen Karate do Rubavu, The Champions Sports Academy, UR-Huye Campus A, UR-Huye Campus B won it.

In KUMITE men’s team, The Champions Sports Academy, APR, UR-Huye Campus A and Dragon Rubavu Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle de Gisenyi was the Champions of the first edition of Liberation Cup 2023.

On the sidelines of this competion, the players who participated it also practiced one beach session on the shores of Lake Kivu, in order to warn them again that the beach competition organized by FERWAKA has not gone anywhere, and that in the near future it will be played again even though it has been a while not played.


Niyomugabo Damien (R) with the Ferwaka’s sponsors such as Kigali Today and Inzozi Lotto






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